Offer ends in

2 trial sessions

only 9.95
Gloves and hand wraps for free!
Buy a trial session and gift another to whoever you want 
Don’t miss this offer
available until February 14
Don’t miss this offer available until February 14

2 trial sessions

only 9.95
Gloves and hand wraps for free! Buy your trial session and enjoy it to the max with this gift
Gloves and hand wraps for free!
Don’t miss this offer
available until February 14
Don’t miss this offer available until February 14
  • home.hero.item_main_promo.valentines_day.claim home.hero.item_main_promo.valentines_day.claim

    2 trial sessions

    only 9.95
    Gloves and hand wraps for free!
    Buy a trial session and gift another to whoever you want 
  • Find your club

    +200 Clubs in the world

    Want to see the clubs closest to your home or work?


Let us tell you how our training works


We punch the bag to the rhythm of the music for 8 intense rounds.

Strength Exercises

Weight training to increase endurance, burn fat, tone the body, and improve mobility.


47 minutes that fly by. You’ll leave fully charged with positive energy.


The sensors in the punching bag measure your energy, punching power, and synchronization. You can track your progress in the app.


A certified trainer will always be present to train, guide, and motivate you.

  • Fitboxing

    We punch the bag to the rhythm of the music for 8 intense rounds.

  • Strength Exercises

    Weight training to increase endurance, burn fat, tone the body, and improve mobility.

  • Fun

    47 minutes that fly by. You’ll leave fully charged with positive energy.

  • Motivation

    The sensors in the punching bag measure your energy, punching power, and synchronization. You can track your progress in the app.

  • Trainer

    A certified trainer will always be present to train, guide, and motivate you.


Through your training, you change the world

The positive energy that is released in our sessions can move mountains. We donate part of our turnover to different NGOs. When you train, you will be able to choose which project receives the funding that you have generated with your hits to the punching bag.
Logo: Change the World
+200k $ Donated annually
+45k Solidary Fitboxers
+13 NGOs collaborate with us
Logo: Change the World
Fitboxer in the foreground holding a box engraved with the words "Hit 4 Change."
What do our Fitboxers think?
  • Some opinions
    Is an addictive sport. Even if you have two left foot.
    Photo of Luigi Luigi.
  • Some opinions
    Amazing workouts, the best trainers and a unique experience.
    Photo of Miriam Miriam.
  • Some opinions
    When I hear ‘3, 2, 1, Fight!’ I feel an adrenaline rush.
    Photo of Gabriela Gabriela.
START TRAINING We tell you how
START TRAINING We tell you how

Click on "Try a session".
Choose the club closest to your home or work.

Fill in your personal information.
You will receive a confirmation email.

Book your first session on the App.
Enjoy your training.

A group of fitboxers pose happily in formation
After enjoying your trial session, choose your perfect training plan.
FIT 8 sessions / 4 weeks
PRO 12 sessions / 4 weeks
Advantages of our plans
More than 200 Clubs where you can train
Share your sessions with your friends
Save your sessions on vacation
Find extra workouts in the App
  • Advantages of our plans

    Advantages of our plans

  • More than 200 Clubs where you can train

    More than 200 Clubs where you can train

  • Share your sessions with your friends

    Share your sessions with your friends

  • Save your sessions on vacation

    Save your sessions on vacation

  • Find extra workouts in the App

    Find extra workouts in the App

    Don’t wait any longer, join us to start the most fun training!
    Control your training from the APP
    • Follow the evolution of your training and your position in the ranking. Discover your score from your latest workout sessions to be able to improve.
    • Check class schedules and availability. Choose the day and time you want to work out and book from the app.
    • Become a member and complete your training by purchasing session packages. Choose the plan that best suits you and don't miss your sessions when you’re on vacation.
    Book Now
    Image of how the Brooklyn Fitboxing app is displayed from a mobile device.
    Find Us
    Choose your club
    Look for the club closest to your home or office. Select a club to see its location and hours.
    • +10 Countries Globally recognized with more than 270 clubs where you can train.
    • Flexibility Multiple times from 8:30 a.m. to 9:30 p.m.
    • Global Pass Work out at any Brooklyn Fitboxing Club or attend world events.
    Frequently Asked Questions | FAQS
    Here are the answers to the questions that our Fitboxers usually have.
    Two Fitboxers celebrate after a workout
    • How long is a session?

      Each session lasts a total of 47 minutes and is divided into three parts. We start with a warm-up, followed by a strength block where we use weights to build power and endurance. Then, we move on to 8 consecutive rounds of punching the bag. This combines strength, cardio, and coordination. We finish with 5 minutes of cool-down, including a full stretch.

    • What should I bring to my first class?

      You should come to the training in comfortable sports clothes. We will have gloves and wraps ready for you as soon as you arrive. Also, bring a bottle of water (or you can buy it at the center), and a towel.

    • Do I need to have previous boxing or kickboxing experience to train at Brooklyn Fitboxing?

      No, our classes are designed for all levels. Throughout the class, our interactive video will show you how to execute all the moves of the combination and tell you when and how to throw each hit. As a beginner you can learn at your own pace, challenging yourself as much as you need to get in shape.

    • What is the price of the Training Plan?

      Each club has its own prices and active promotions. We have two training plans: the FIT plan, for those who want to get started in fitboxing and train regularly, and the PRO plan, our most complete training plan, in which you will get in shape while having fun. You can always complete your training by purchasing session packages of 1, 5, 10 or 20 sessions. Once you've tried your first class, the Club will explain all the promotions and you can choose the plan that best suits your schedule and needs.

    • How many people train in a Brooklyn Fitboxing class?

      All classes are designed for small groups of 12 to 24 people. This individualized training method allows the trainer to provide more personal attention to all class members.

    • How many calories can be burned per session?

      The amount varies depending on the individual and the effort put in. In each session, we start with strength exercises using your body weight and dumbbells. Then, we move on to 8 rounds of fitboxing to the beat of the music. This approach not only tones your body but also boosts your metabolism, helping you burn calories for up to 48 hours after the class.

    • If I don’t have gloves, can I purchase a pair at the Brooklyn Fitboxing Club?

      We give you your first pair of gloves and wraps as part of the first trial session promotion. After that, you will need to bring them to your classes. In case they get lost or damaged, you can purchase a new pair at any Brooklyn Fitboxing club.


    You want to train and you know it

    Now that you are here, don’t let this opportunity slip away, and try the most fun training